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In an effort to avoid further spread of the Corona Virus we have enacted measures recommended by King County & Snohomish County Health Departments' as well as guidance provided by WA State. In addition to extra cleaning and sanitizing, our drivers and staff have been instructed to take extra precautions. Below see how you can help keep our services Contact Free. Our goal is to keep our staff,  you and your dog safe. 



Please wear a mask and sanitize your hands before drop off.


We appreciate your help in making the drop off Contact Free. 


Please ring the bell outside the gate. One of our team members will greet you from the field. You will enter the gate and leave your dog in the gated area and their belongings on the shelf. Please take your leash with you and exit after direction from our staff.  We will get your dog from there.


We are going to ask that you give us a credit card over the phone for payment. We will keep it on file for future visits. If you have not paid, please enter the office and stand behind the plexiglass at the counter. Only 1 customer in the office at a time.




In an effort  to keep our pick up & drop off Contact Free please avoid all contact with your driver. 


Please leave your pet in your garage, backyard (if you are home) or whatever predetermined No-Contact zone you and your driver have agreed upon. 


No leashes etc. We will provide our own. 


If any member of your family has been exposed we ask that you suspend your dog from service.


We will not be offering In-Home training until Gov. Inslee approves stage 2. 


In-Homes after Phase 2 will require customers to wear a mask, session will be outside and social distancing is manditory. 


We are offering private training consultations via Zoom. 


Please make all payments online. Select the service you would like to purchase from the training page and follow the online prompts. 

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